We have had a lot of rumours and leaks regarding Samsung’s latest flagship device Samsung Galaxy Note III. Just when we thought there aren’t much secrets about the device we got another one. The latest rumour says the Samsung Galaxy Note III will come with a fingerprint sensor. The report is coming from a Samsung employee who works at R&D and says the fingerprint sensor will make it to the Galaxy Note III.

Yesterday @evleaks had posted a picture which contains the entire list of apk files which also inludes the apk file for fingerprint service which is named as FinerprintService.apk. Here is the Galaxy Note III apk list.

The device will be including the the fingerprint sensor on the backside and will enable the dual usermode. That means, if the real user tries to open the device s/he will be greeted with his own personal desktop and settings. But in case some other person tries to open the device, it will greet him or her with a guest user mode with a preset configuration. Anyway as of now all these are simply rumours, we will soon be able to know if these are legit or not when Samsung unpacked 2 event starts later today.


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